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Best Managed IT Companies in Canada Award

VBS IT Services

50 Best Managed IT Companies Canada Award

We WON 50 Best Managed IT Companies in Canada Award

The award was announced by Randal Wark as, “this award goes to a company that their acronym should stand for Very Best Service”. That was a flattering introduction.

VBS is proud to announce that we won 50 Best Managed IT Companies in Canada award. This is the leading business award in Canada, which recognizes excellence in business performance, best practises, efficient processes and sustained growth in Canadian owned IT companies. We were evaluated in 12 key areas of business to measure best practices.

Winning the award says that we are the best of the best in the IT managed services industry when it comes to running the business with the most effective best practices processes to ensure high quality service delivery to our customers. The best managed companies are the top leaders in the market place and we will continue to work hard to maintain high value for our customers.

We have benchmarked our business practices and every year moving forward we will gauge our progress and improve on any areas we need to strengthen. This is important for our customers, so they continue to receive the VBS (Very Best Service) form VBS iT Services.

We are grateful to TechnoPlanet for presenting the award and thankful to all our clients for continued support.

Many Thanks,

Miguel Ribeiro

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