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Assessing Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

VBS IT Services

Cybersecurity Microsoft 365

Security has become a top concern for organizations around the world. And as content continues to move into the cloud, organizations are doubling down on how they can ensure the safety of their sensitive and personal information.

How Do Organizations Begin to Safeguard Their Data?

Despite the levels of security that Microsoft and Google employs, organizations need to implement extra layers of security to safeguard their data. Human error is the most common risk and you need to have systems in place to maintain business continuity.

Click to Take a Self-Assessment Test

Assessing Your Security Risk

Although it’s no guaranteed, following security best practices can decrease the chances of exposing your sensitive business data to a breach.

Create your cyber security roadmap in 2 steps – Free Recommendations

Getting started with Cybersecurity Health-check for Microsoft 365 or Google WorkSpace

At the end of this assessment, you’ll receive a score and free recommendations roadmap on how to reduce your risk, including an action list and technology solutions to help you.

This self-assessment is specifically for users of Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) and Google WorkSpace (formerly G Suite). It’s common that cloud software as a service solutions such as Microsoft 365 and Google WorkSpace are not setup properly and security settings have been overlooked. The implications are risky and should be reviewed.

Even if the implementation at the time was deemed best practice, keeping up with the pace of change within Microsoft and Google technologies means that best practice is far from a static state. As a result your data in the Microsoft or Google cloud could be at risk of ransomware, phishing or other scams that will result in lost data.

Take this self-assessment test to identify your risk and hep you decide how best to manage it. Click here to start the self-assessment. 

Webinar Event

Learn more about how to protect your Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace cloud data by attending this webinar. Click here for details.