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The positive impact AI and Machine Learning can have in 2023

VBS IT Services

VBS IT Services - AI and machine learning

AI and Machine learning has come a very long way in recent years. From being pretty exclusive and reserved for people who could afford it to becoming attainable for everyone. AI and Machine Learning are becoming more and more common place in businesses big and small as they can be used to help with the workload and streamline the business. 

We can now depend on technology to a much higher level than ever before and AI is a real frontrunner in this. In this article we are going to look into AI and Machine Learning and what impact it can have in 2023. How it can help your business to be more productive, efficient and more profitable. 

AI is going to be a big part of the future for a lot of everyday but especially for business. So many business processes are able to be streamlined by AI. 

AI and Machine Learning 

Machines that mimic human intelligence are known as AI. A few specialised applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and machine vision. 

Your system can be constantly improving itself with the machine learning. In contrast to AI, which focuses on computer systems that are attempting to mimic human abilities, machine learning analyses data and is specifically designed to recognise patterns in that data, from which it can then construct an algorithm based on your particular choice of parameters. AI and machine learning are innovative technologies that will change how we view technology in the future as they already are now. 

For instance, text-to-speech apps are one application of AI and machine learning. These apps combine AI and machine learning to make it possible to write faster, move around more easily, and improve voice quality. Thousands of content producers all over the world utilise writing-to-speech programmes to speed up the creation of high-quality copy. 

AI can help small businesses 

Improve the recruitment process

Smaller organisations don’t tend to have HR teams, but even without them, HR-related duties are nevertheless as popular as ever. HR work is tedious, time-consuming, and generally low-level. However, duties pertaining to human resources can be handled by AI and machine learning. HR is a crucial component of a business that is utilising AI’s capabilities; it has sped up and improved processes while lowering the need for physical labour and repetitive tasks. 

Automating Recruitment 

AI has the ability to schedule job interviews, review resumes, and manage applications without the need for human participation. Amazingly, new technologies allow you to completely automate the employment process. The data gathered from the automated interview process can be used to compare a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experience to the job requirements. AI can significantly increase the efficiency and fairness of hiring and recruitment procedures, making sure that your time is only invested on individuals that will actually help your company. 

Accuracy when making decisions 

As it expands concurrently, the typical business gathers more data thanks to machine learning capabilities of AI. We now rely so heavily on computers to make judgments for us that it is unprecedented. Business owners recognise that technology always acts objectively and truthfully on behalf of the organisation, which is tragically impossible with a human personnel. 

Interaction whilst mobile 

AI is present in the hardware of modern cell phones in the form of microchips. These processors are so quick that they give users better real-time voice translation and recognition. Even though they can appear insignificant, they might help your business possibly become competitive and accessible on a worldwide level for the first time. 

Customer service 

In the coming years, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will surely transform how we think about customer service and the customer experience. If you apply AI-powered software and sentient analysis technologies, you will be able to address any client concerns quickly, simply, and efficiently. 

Every business responds to concerns. The client who is never truly satisfied poses a threat to everyone. AI and machine learning may take care of your clients’ issues through script-driven processes, improving the possibility that they will be dealt with quickly and effectively. 


One of the biggest problems businesses face today is cybersecurity, and AI may be used to defend your systems against attacks by fraudsters who are also using AI. AI and machine learning make it possible to detect fraud and make sure it doesn’t happen again by allowing users to learn from prior errors. AI does provide a special service in that it helps your employees feel secure while traversing your cyber environment by identifying vulnerabilities. The complexity of that information can also be interpreted by machine learning. 

There should be more security everywhere it is possible. Customers are increasingly scrutinising the cybersecurity policies of the businesses they do business with before making a purchase, and the number of compliance requirements is increasing and becoming more challenging to comply. 

Trust is arguably the most important element in system improvement. The foundation of any business is trust since it increases the possibility that customers will recommend you to others. 

AI and machine learning should be thought of as a supplement to an existing proficient IT staff and system. Sadly, this can mean that you have to let go of some of your employees once the more efficient, more economical computer systems are in place and they are no longer required. Every industry will need to make changes to enhance workflow and overall organisation performance. The key word here is “yet,” since until the day when AI and machine learning are employed by everyone on the planet, they won’t be unusual in small to medium businesses.  

Now is the time to learn the new skills and become used to it. In conclusion, you must adapt to our society’s technology environment. Congratulations if you have avoided doing so thus far, but AI and machine learning aren’t things you should disregard. 

Never let yourself slack off. As a small to medium business owner, you must give AI a lot of attention, but once it is deployed, your future seems more prosperous, effective, and secure than ever. 

Thinking of adding AI to your business 

If you are thinking of trying to implement an AI system into your business but don’t know where to start, Get in Contact with our team of experts today and we can assist you with Ai or any other IT needs you may have.